Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Camping trip

Parents The camping trip is Jan 28-30 at Camp Timber Ridge

Cost per girl for the camping part is 15 dollars
Any female parent is welcome to join (10 dollars a person)

I will need count and payment on Jan 2nd meeting.. (it has to be paid for by Dec. 31, 2010, I have sent off a personal check since we do not have a checking account for the scouts yet.)

The girls prepared for the experience last Sunday (rolled bags, worked on their list of what to bring)

Jan 2 we will work on the menu and Kaper chart for the camping trip..

Parents who want to come..
will participate in group Hikes with the older scouts
stay and work with the younger scouts (badges, and other GS things in the cabin)
Parents will stay in one room while the scouts have another.. (I will stay in the den area)

Till we get an account please make checks out to June Reid. (anytime anyone wants to see our budget I have it will be at the meetings)

Our Cookie Mom Ms. Smith will be going over cookie stuff in January at our meeting so we can start selling cookies January 7th. Help your child be successful with their sale.

Have a great Holiday and see you all next year.. as we get ready to start our camping adventure... hiking, firebuilding, group cooks, smores, etc etc . Lets learn lots of skills and have lots of fun.. Also, Maggie will be having a nail polish night for the girls (girls request)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Heads up for January

January 4th 2011

I have passes to the Loganville High School Girls Basketball game.
The start time is 6pm.
Meet at Loganville High School at 545pm
Uniforms are required.
Permission slip as well

I will hand them out this Sunday.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Sunday's Girl Scouts meeting
Lots planned to get ready for our camping trip
Work on our camping badge
learn to roll our sleeping bags
Learn to tie two different knots
Start getting ready to make fire starters
list of what we need to go camping

Our TCM (cookie Mom) will be getting us ready for our cookie sale in January.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


For those of you who know me. I  design (good or bad) shirts for softball, track, allstars you name it. So I was thinking when the scouts do something we don't have to wear our uniforms we can wear matching T-shirts with out troop number on them. Parents are also invited to purchase a t-shirt.

I am still waiting on the cost but unless you are getting a XXL or larger the price will be under 8 dollars I think.

Also, if you do not like the shirt design we can adjust it as well.

Junior level and up only

This is a wonderful service project. I am not available on Dec. 18th (since I have a personnal meeting) if you are interested in doing this please email Kyrie (she is a wonderful troop leader and very helpful). This would be a great project and some wonderful time for Mom and Daughter or Dad and Daughter..

Food is always needed at the CoOp, but they are asking for your time.  They need help sorting through the donations they have received this holiday season to prepare for the end of year inventory.
Dec. 18 from 8-12:00 (or anytime you are available between 8 and 12:00.)
We will be sorting, counting and moving inventory from the storage units into the main trailers.  Please dress appropriately.  Counting and Sorting will be indoors, but the "movers" will be transporting the boxes of food from outdoors to indoors.
Please email Kyrie at    you are interested.  Because of the Christmas Season, we will only hold this work day if there is enough interest.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cookie Rally

I think the girls had a lot of fun at the cookie rally today\
Our Troop Cookie Mom will be taking care of all the orders and things.
I will set up some booth sales for us.

Don't forget to put your cookie rally patch on the back of your sash..

Congrats to Lindsey who was picked in the raffle and won a prize.
The girls sang, learned about cookie safety, money management, Decisions, Business ethics, and manners
Gabby got picked by the UGA police office to come up about internet safety (check out the last photo)

Cookie Sales start January 7th

Friday, December 10, 2010

Directions for Cannon United

Take 124 to Ronald Regan

Take the Webb Gin House exit (East)

Church should be on your left

2424 Webb Ginn House Road
Cookie zone

Cookie Line-upfor 2011
Super Six

Thin MintSamoa
Thin Mint CookieSamoas Cookie
Lemon ChaletTagalong
Lemon Chalet Creme CookieTagalong cookie
Do si do cookieTrefoil cookie

Cookie Prizes check out more at GS of Greater Atlanta


Cards for Soliders

This is a free service and only takes  a few moment to complete. Have your scout make a few cards for the soliders over in the Middle East.. Then have them email me how many they did. (this can go toward a badge or Tri it).
Thank you for supporting our troops

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cookie Rally Permission slip

Parents you are welcome to stay and enjoy the cookie rally with your girls
but if you are not
you must fill out a permission slip for them to attend.
Kim or I will have a clip board with the slips for you to fill out.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cookie Rally reminder

Cookie Rally
Saturday 12/11/2010
Time: Girls must be there by 1030am
The time is different.
I will be there at 930 for the informational part
The girls will get to make things, learn about the cookie sale that starts January 7th
The 6 different cookies for sale
They will have a blast

To see the prizes they can receive go to this web site

On another note:
1. We are booked for camping and the girls will learn to make fire starters, smores, roll a sleeping bag, and learn their knots before we go. Also, set up a menu
2. We now have a Girl Scout Flag. (I will get our troop number on it as some point)

Monday, December 6, 2010

We are off to our first camping experience

This is your confirmation; keep it for your records.

UNIT: Troop House       CAMP:  CTR   UNIT CAPACITY:28
CAMPER ID: 2033712
ARRIVAL DATE: 01/28/2011
DEPARTURE DATE: 01/30/2011

We will be working on camping skills at our next three girl scout meetings
How to roll a sleeping bag
we will make fire starters
plan what we need to take on the trip
find parents who want to attend and drive..
learn how to make a camp fire
how to tie knots
how to dress for the cold weather at camp
plan our menu      etc

Got some great food ideas from the Girl Scout camping site:
Tacos in a bag
Banana boats

So on the 19th you will get your permission slips to take home and cost.. What a great way to start the new year off...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

MVI 0952

Our First Ceremony

What a great job the girls did today.
I am so very proud of them
Here are a few of the photos I have for today

Cookie Rally Dec. 11, 2010
930-1230 If you need a ride please let Ms. Kim or Ms. June Know we will always work something out with your parents  

Ceremony Today

Just a reminder that today is the inception and re dedication Ceremony. Should be fun. Each of the girls is bringing something for the snack table after the ceremony. Please remember to bring your camera if you want to take some photos of your child.

Lauren will lead the Promise at 2pm and Haleigh will be taking attendance and dues collection.
We will spend from 2-3 preparing our ceremony and setting up.
3-345 Ceremony then 345-415 snack time.. for family and scouts.

Dec. 11, 2010 is the cookie rally (if possible all girls need to go. We can all meet at the rally. Street clothes is fine. This is the kick off for the cookie sale it will be a lot of fun. No one should miss it.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I think Ms. Kim and I are going to the Nutcracker tomorrow night.

If anyone is interested in going please call me at 678 684 2934 (7am--315pm) so I can order tickets or reserve them. Or you can call me tonight before 10pm 404-307-7440

Tickets for scouts are 6 dollars

As of now these girls are going: